The Velvet Café

A room for thoughts about movies

The Velvet Café’s top list of 2012

with 55 comments

When is the best time to make a top list of 2012?

There are different opinions available about this, especially among bloggers who like me live in a country that isn’t in North America or UK, which get to see most movies months before the rest of the world.

Do you want to join in the craziness around New Year when the majority put up their lists, even if it means that you haven’t seen half of the movies that get the most buzz? Or do you wait until you’ve seen them, which could take to April or May and then publish a list that nobody cares about anymore since they’re halfway into 2013?

In the end it’s a personal choice that you need to make. There’s no right or wrong way to do it if you ask me, as long as you’re consequent about it.

I’ve settled for making my list early, mainly because I don’t want to sit by the side line when everyone else is making up their list. I want to take part in the discussion. The downside is that my list contains movies that others consider belong to 2011. So be it.

The rules
My rules are the following: movies that either had their first theatrical release in Sweden or were released directly for DVD can be taken into consideration. Screenings at film festivals don’t count, since they’re so limited and out of reach for most of us, including me.

If you wonder why I haven’t included a certain movie, chances are that I haven’t seen it yet. Here are some examples of movies which I’ve seen getting a lot of love, but which will be 2013 films as far as I am concerned: The Master, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Cloud Atlas, Lincoln, Perks of Being a Wallflower, Ruby Sparks, Silver Linings Playbook, Zero Dark Thirty, Killing Them Softly, Seven Psychopaths, Anna Karenina, The Hunt, Flight, Django Unchained, Frankenweenie, Les Miserables, Once Upon a Time in Anatolia. Sisters, Your Safety Guaranteed, Stories We Tell, Café de Flore, Sessions.

In the name of transparency I’ll also mention a few other movies that have been released in Sweden, but which I haven’t got around to see: Lawless, The Grey, Cosmopolis, End of Watch, The Raid: Redemption, Haywire, Ted, On the Road, Bernie, The Hunter.

And now ladies and gentlemen – bring on the list! This time, after being bugged about it repeatedly by a fellow Swedish blogger, I’ll present it starting from the bottom, saving my favourites to last.

Honorable mentions

First a few movies that didn’t make it into the actual list but which I want to give a nod:

The Amazing Spider-Man: You could argue that it was too early to do bring another version of this to the world. This doesn’t take away from it that this was very well made and provided solid entertainment.

Elena: If you think of Russia as gloomy, Elena gives you right.  This is a film about gloomy people in gloomy settings, leading gloomy lives with gloomy prospects. My problem with it was that I couldn’t sympathize with the people it depictured. Still it was well crafted in a minimalist way, where even long shots in complete silence are filled with meaning and tension.

Easy Money II: The Swedish thriller Easy Money gave the director a ticket to Hollywood where he made Safe House, which was a decent thriller that made surprisingly well at the box office. The follow-up has a different director but is just as good. I hope this too can get international attention, despite the silly title.

Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights: My dislike for Heathcliff kept me from embracing this film fully. But I can’t deny it was beautifully shot.

I saw a lot of great documentaries that I loved but couldn’t fit into the list:  Palme, Woody Allen: A Documentary, Bully, Marley, For You Naked

Holy Motors
Holy Motors
– unlike most others I didn’t fall in love with it; it was a little bit too obscure for me. But I can’t deny that some of the scenes are very memorable.

Hope Springs was surprisingly dark and funny, especially the first half, which reminded of a good episode of The Treatment.

Take this Waltza little forgettable, but the shower scene stayed with me.

The Hunger Games – thanks to Jennifer Lawrence. From my review: “She resembles quite a bit to the character she played in Winter’s Bone: a resilient young woman, as tough as any action hero, down-to-Earth, nurturing and love giving to some extent, but never so much that it becomes a weakness and a burden. I want her to become my big sister.” 

marigold hotel
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
– or “Love geriatrically” as someone called it, which is pretty much spot on. It was easily digested and had a lovely cast of the elite among British actors

War Horse – like a prolonged episode of The Little House on the Prairie, with some added war scenes. Too sentimental for most viewers, but not for me, who had grabbed a cold and was in the perfect mood for something comforting.

Hysteria – while I never got around to blog about it, it deserves to be mentioned here. I thought this little comedy about the invention of the vibrator was jolly good fun and we worth a watch when you feel like something light hearted, easily digested.

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol gave me exactly the kind of spectacular ride that you expect from a big budget action movie. Action ballet at its best.

– the scariest movie of the year.

To Rome with Love – which by no means was one of Allen’s strongest movies. Stories that would have been perfect for five minute short films were drawn out more than what were healthy for them. Still: I had a few good laughs at some of the ideas and for the sake of my old and persisting Allen love, this movie gets a little nod from me.

25-40 (Alphabetic order)

50/50 – probably the funniest cancer movie I’ve seen.

The Avengers

I could never have imagined I’d enjoy a superhero movie this much. I blame Joss Whedon.

I needed a hug after watching this immensely depressing Belgian movie about some dark sides of farming that you really don’t want to know about. Be warned if you’re sensitive.

For once the animated princess didn’t have marriage as her highest priority!

People throwing up on the screen is rarely fun to watch, but seeing Kate Winslet doing it over a bunch of exclusive art catalogues was priceless.

Ralph Fiennes breathes new life into a less popular Shakespeare play. The original lines and the modern setting mix unexpectedly well.


The Dark Knight Rises
Some people found pleasure in nitpicking this film. I just went with it and enjoyed the spectacle. And this comes from someone who even doesn’t like superhero movies very much.

The Deep Blue Sea
This was such a beautiful film about love and about life choices. Melancholic with a ray of light, just the way I love it.

Martin Scorsese lets his inner film geek out in full freedom. I was enchanted, despite the 3D.

The Intouchables
From my review: “I laughed. I laughed a lot. Actually I can’t remember last time I laughed as much in a theatre. And while it’s not a sad film by any means, I also got something dusty in my eyes as I we finally got to see the real people, whose story this film is based on. Tears – not of pity, but of joy over how much life can offer, even if you come from a situation that seems hopeless at a quick glance.”

kid with a bike
The Kid with a Bike
A small film that dealt with big issues: love, loss, betrayal, revenge and forgiveness. I’ve seen several good child actors this year and Thomas Doret was one of those.

Killer Joe
This was a very disturbing movie that I’m not in a hurry to see again, but I liked the dark, twisted humour for reasons that I can’t explain.

Magic Mike

The Full Monty remains my favourite movie about male strip dancing, but I still had a lot of fun in the company with Channing Tatum and Matthew McConaughey, who surprised me with their dancing skills.

A beautifully made film about every person’s right to be themself, using any kind of gender identity wihtout being questioned and harassed for it.

Your Sister’s Sister
Three people, one cabin in the woods, a lot of improvised conversations. It was funny and gripping and I loved it.

12-25 (Alphabetic order)

A Royal Affair

I can’t recall last time I saw such a good costume drama – well made in every detail and with wonderful performances by MadsMikkelsen and Mikkel Boe Følsgaard.

Big Boys Gone Bananas!*
This documentary about the efforts from the mighty banana industry to try to stop the previous movie Bananas was exciting like a thriller and had me cry with frustration as well as joy. It’s the kind of film that inspires you to become a better person and make a difference to the world.

Bill Cunningham New York
A loving portray of a fashion photographer in New York made me start watching the people I meet in the street in a new way.

The Cabin in the Woods
More fun than scary was this film, which I still refuse to talk about at length due to its spoiler sensitive nature. I’m not particularly knowledgeable in the horror genre, but I still enjoyed it immensely.

The Descendants
From my review: “There’s always something soothing about watching millionaires struggling with their lives, ending up eating comfort ice cream out of the box in front of the TV. Deep down we’re all the same – fragile, messed up and uncertain about where our journey will take us.”


The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
While I’m not a fan of the 48FPS/3D experiment, I still liked The Hobbit quite a bit. The riddle guessing encounter between Bilbo and Gollum is probably my favourite scene of all in 2012.

Into the Abyss
From my review: ”Immensely sad and dark, it stayed with me for days afterwards. It made me grateful about having the life I have, on the more shallow waters, far, far from the abyss.”

Jeff, Who Lives at Home
A sweet, simple and absolutely charming little comedy about an eventful day in the life of Jeff, who lives in his mother’s basement and makes decisions following “signs”.


Laurence Anyways
While probably a tad too long, this is a beautiful film from an extremely talented young filmmaker – visually and emotionally stunning.

The Muppets
The day after watching this I had a muppet singing inside of me. This was the film that brought me the biggest smile in 2012.

Rust and Bone
This movie was made with great care and very good acting performances by Marion Cotillard and Matthias Schoenaerts.

Take Shelter
The storm is coming. For real or just in Michael Shannon’s head? There are different opinions on this. But I loved how Take Shelter used images to let us into a person’s mind on an emotional, intuitive level.

A man beats his own dog until it dies. Then he cries over losing his best friend – the dog. This is the start of Tyrannosaur and it’s almost unbearable to watch, but still a remarkably well played and gripping drama that also provides at least a glimpse of hope.

Two people who talk in an apartment during a weekend, like a mix between Queer as Folks and Before Sunrise. My heart melted.

1-10 (with a little bit of cheating, I hope you don’t notice)

the artist
10. The Artist
It was a love letter to the world of movies, surprisingly fun and entertaining, and I enjoyed every moment of it.

I thought Bond was due for retirement a long time ago. Skyfall proved me wrong. It offered excitement and entertainment as expected, but also new perspectives on Bond and M. Particularly I loved how it dealt with Bond’s middle age crisis.

9 Chronicle
You would think that people with superpowers as well as found footage were worn out concepts, but Chronicle managed to make something fresh and fun out of both. Spectacular compared to the budget. I wanted to become a filmmaker myself after watching this.

8. Prometheus
I got to explore strange new worlds, I saw truly alien aliens, I watched big things blow up in a big way and I gave my imagination a good tickle. That’s all I the sci-fi geek inside me asks for.


7. Argo
From my review: “ I was taken aback at how thrilling Argo turned out to be, considering it was a story where the outcome was clear before the start. When my 18 year old complained afterwards about how her stomach hurt after all the tension during the two hours, I knew exactly where she came from. This was by far the most white-knuckle movie experience I’ve had this year, which I think is a sign that the people who put it together clearly know their craft.”

Mind bending science fiction movies set in an alternative universe or the near future is my favourite genre. Looper didn’t disappoint me.  Out of all films from 2012, this is the one that I most of all would like to re-watch and see if I can figure out all the timeline twists the second time around.


5. Searching for Sugar Man
Has the maker of Searching for Sugar Man improved the story about the forgotten artist Rodriguez a little bit to make it a better film? Maybe. Does it matter for how good a film this is? No. Searching for Sugar Man left me with some good songs humming in my head and with a warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach and a sense that anything is possible and you never know what direction your life eventually will take. Not a bad thing.

4. Life of Pi
This movie is among the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. It makes you think about questions about the nature of stories, about faith and about life and death, without going preachy. It leaves you with a room to think and breathe and form your own beliefs or non-beliefs. It made 2012 end with a bang.


 3. Moonrise Kingdom
Some movies will grow in your memory. I loved this film because it was beautiful, had a thoroughly enjoyable score and because it was goodhearted and ended on a positive note. This makes it stick out in my usually rather gloomy film diet and I’d be happy to see it again whenever I need some refreshment.

2. Amour
Once again Michael Haneke has made a film about things we’d rather not think about. This is probably how many of us will end our days. We’ll either “loose it” as our bodies stops functioning or – which is worse – watch someone close to us go through this without being able to help. But our denial doesn’t make this go away. It’s as if the director gently takes our hand as we make this walk into darkness, showing us what lifelong love means. It made me cry, but ultimately I think it’s more uplifting than depressing.


1. We Need to Talk about Kevin
It would be an understatement to say that Kevin is a troubled boy. But this film isn’t primarily about Kevin; it’s about his mother. It’s a dark story, told in many colors that makes you think about the nature of love and the source of evil. Can lack of love make someone evil? Is it possible to forgive someone who has taken away everything from you? If this person is all you have left, do you even have a choice? I saw this film in the beginning of 2012 and it’s still resonating inside me, especially in the light of several events in US during last year. I wish this film wasn’t as relevant as it is.

My international 2012 list

Finally: here is another version of my top 10 list, where I’ve removed the films that are considered 2011 releases in most countries. Remember that I still miss out on films such as The Master, Zero Dark Thirty and Beasts of the Southern Wild, since they haven’t open where I live (and I don’t do illegal downloads).

1. Amour
2. Moonrise Kingdom
3. Life of Pi
4. Searching for Sugarman
5. Looper
6. Argo
7. Prometheus
8. Chronicle
9. Skyfall
10. The Cabin in the Woods

Well, that was it. It’s been a fantastic year for movies, hasn’t it?


Written by Jessica

January 8, 2013 at 8:02 am

55 Responses

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  1. Great list. I’ve seen 19/41. Did my list a couple of weeks ago, but films I’ve seen since then that may have made it include Killer Joe, Moonrise Kingdom, Life of Pi and The Deep Blue Sea. Pleased to see Amour high up on your list, and We Need To Talk About Kevin has some of the finest direction I’ve seen from a recent film in a while. Excellent!


    January 8, 2013 at 8:08 am

    • Thanks Tyler! I think I’ve got a taste for movies that is a little bit more mainstream than yours, but I’m glad to see that there’s a bunch that we can agree on.


      January 8, 2013 at 10:17 am

  2. Great batch of films Jessica! So glad you caught ‘Searching for Sugar Man’ … my favorite film of 2012.

    The ‘Prometheus’ choice is killing me though 😀

    Sam Fragoso

    January 8, 2013 at 8:09 am

    • Re Prometheus: I need to have something to provoke and start a bit of a discussion! 🙂 Ryan has it as his number 1 though!


      January 8, 2013 at 10:18 am

  3. Looks like a great list, Jessica. I’m glad to see Life of Pi rank so highly. It’s been a week since I saw it, and I still can’t quite get it out of my head.


    January 8, 2013 at 8:19 am

    • It’s astonishing. I have to say that it’s very tight between the top films. Life of Pi could have topped my list as well.


      January 8, 2013 at 10:19 am

  4. “It’s been a fantastic year for movies, hasn’t it?”

    Not really but you know I was gonna say that right… hahah 🙂 What kind of journal do use beside the blog to keep track of what you have seen at the cinema?

    Joel Burman (@joelburman)

    January 8, 2013 at 8:38 am

    • I keep a list of the movies I’ve watched in a theatre or as a DVD premier during the year over at the Filmspotting forum. But it’s really nothing fancy. I just write down the name of the movie and give it a rating. That’s all. So making this list takes quite a bit of work to be honest, even if I did a bit of the job when I did the half-year list earlier in 2012.


      January 8, 2013 at 10:21 am

  5. Impressive listing here Jessica. I’ve not caught up with as many films as I’d like to have this year but theres a few we agree on in the top ten.

    Mark Walker

    January 8, 2013 at 9:39 am

    • Thanks Mark! I’m honestly a little shocked myself when I look at this list. I’ve seen a LOT of movies this year. Remember, there are movies I saw in the theatre that not are included here at all, movies such as Dark Shadows, Alps, Rock of Ages,, Total recall, Safe House and a whole lot of others.


      January 8, 2013 at 10:23 am

  6. Impressive list, to say the least. But even on my meager list Prometheus would certainly not have beaten Bill Cunningham or Sinister. But then nor would The Avengers 😉


    January 8, 2013 at 10:25 am

    • Hehe, I knew I would get some crap for my inclusion of Prometheus in my top 10. But I’m too much of a science fiction geek to leave it out. I remember the gut feeling after watching it in a theatre: “I want to watch this again, preferrably in a longer format”. I just want stuff to be big and mighty and far away in space and I felt that I got that from Prometheus.


      January 8, 2013 at 10:27 am

  7. It was a fantastic year indeed. Nice choices. 🙂


    January 8, 2013 at 12:55 pm

    • Thanks! Honestly, I think that some of the movies that just got honorable mentions would be fine on a top ten list another year. So many good movies!


      January 8, 2013 at 1:03 pm

  8. Refreshing to see Tomboy in the list, I saw that one amongst my rare moment of watching French cinema and I thought it was a very good movie in terms of the topic being so controversial. Nice to see Looper so high but I’m guessing you haven’t seen Perks yet? I wonder where it would end up in your list..


    January 8, 2013 at 1:11 pm

    • Nope, Perks is on the 2013 movie category to me alongside with movies such as The Master, Beasts of the Souther Wild, Cloud Atlas, Anna Karenina and Les Miserables. I have a lot to look forward to!


      January 8, 2013 at 1:51 pm

      • Very nice list indeed, have only seen Perks from it and still waiting to read Cloud Atlas.


        January 8, 2013 at 2:00 pm

  9. Whew. That’s a heavy top two. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Still haven’t had a chance to see Amor but it gets to Chicago this weekend. Can’t wait!

    Also, this, I love this: “People throwing up on the screen is rarely fun to watch, but seeing Kate Winslet doing it over a bunch of exclusive art catalogues was priceless.”


    January 8, 2013 at 2:09 pm

    • They ARE heavy, but I’ve included some very light and uplifting movies as well on my top 10, trying to balance it out. I think Moonrise Kingdom takes out We Need to Talk About Kevin and Life of Pi compensates for Amour!


      January 8, 2013 at 3:54 pm

  10. Would say it’s definitely it’s definitely been a fun year for film. A lot of great films and surprising ones. Nice to see Chronicle appearing on so many people’s lists.


    January 8, 2013 at 3:15 pm

    • It’s a little gem! I’ve been moving around movies between my top 10 and 12-25 for quite some while now and that one has been a bit back and forward. Eventually I went back and reread what I had written about it and remembered how excited I was back in the spring. It’s easy to forget when it’s that long back in time.
      I’m glad many others have recalled it.


      January 8, 2013 at 3:56 pm

  11. Wow, you have put an amazing amount of work into compiling this post! As for your top 10 I can agree with you on most of those choices. Saw Searching for Sugar Man recently and it’s such a great documentary about something I never heard of before, it was fascinating.

    Also surprised you liked Spiderman so much…guess I will have to give it a chance…


    January 8, 2013 at 10:48 pm

    • Yes, this post has taken me quite some time to put together. Frankly I’m a bit exhausted now and won’t blog for a few days. Need a rest!

      I thought Spidey was absolutely ok. I watched it with my 18 year old who enjoyed it a lot; I suppose that helped a bit too for my appreciation. Then there’s of course always the question if it was too early to make it. I guess the merchandise manufacturers didn’t think so.


      January 9, 2013 at 7:34 am

      • You deserve your rest! 🙂

        Will check out Spidey then…


        January 9, 2013 at 10:00 am

  12. I like the variety in this list. Another reminder for me to see The Deep Blue Sea. And Searching for Sugar Man is one that I let slip by me. Will need to catch it on DVD. Hopefully next year a Swedish film will make it into your top 40.

    I’m curious, where did THIS IS NOT A FILM fit in the overall rankings?

    Bonjour Tristesse

    January 8, 2013 at 11:49 pm

    • This is Not a Film was way up on my 2011 list. I loved it deeply. It would probably have made it into my top 10 this year.

      I have two Swedish films in my top 40: Searching for Sugar Man and Big Boys Gone Bananas!*. Plus an honorable mention for Easy Money II, Palme and For You Naked. Currently I’d say Swedish film is strongest in documentaries. But I have high hopes for next year when Lukas Moodysson has a new film!


      January 9, 2013 at 7:37 am

      • I forgot you saw that one last year, it’s so impossible to keep track of what movie was released where and when. And I realized those two docs just as I posted. I should have said Swedish ‘language’ films instead. 🙂

        Bonjour Tristesse

        January 9, 2013 at 5:25 pm

  13. Well you´ve seen a lot of movies and i agree with you that 2012 has been a very good year at the movies – don´t listen to Joel 😉
    For my list I pick the movies i´ve seen for the first time during the year. So it can be anything from Argo to Casablanca if they make it into the list.
    Commenting on your top ten : There are a lot of movies I haven´t seen ( in the case of Moonrise kingdom I even gave my free tickets to my daughter – can´t stand the director Anderson) yet on your list – tomorrow I will see Pi and do hope it will be great.But none of the movies you mention 10 + 10 and 9, 8, 6 where good enough to make it on my list (that will appear sometime next week) mayby Skyfall but I doubt it.


    January 9, 2013 at 12:13 am

    • Well even if we have some disagreements, I at least hope we can agree on Life of Pi!


      January 9, 2013 at 7:39 am

  14. Glad Prometheus was rated highly. I think it’s a lot better than most people give it credit ofr.

    Dave Enkosky

    January 9, 2013 at 2:15 am

    • Definitely. Ryan McNeil at The Matinee had it as his number 1 of the year. But the fans of it are few and far between.


      January 9, 2013 at 7:40 am

  15. Cool list, plenty of films I loved on here (and a few that I wasn’t so keen on too). Being in Australia, I have the same issue as you. But I think the only solution is to just review what came out in your home country in a particular year. So I am posting my top and bottom 5 of the year tomorrow of films that got a cinematic release here in 2012.

    Beer Movie

    January 9, 2013 at 8:53 am

    • Yeah. The alternative is to wait, but that will be such a long wait that the list will feel very old when I finally get to make it. So this is how I do it. What’s a little sad is that I think the movies I watch in the beginning of the year inevitably will have a harder time to get the top positions since we forget over time. So the list will always be biased towards what’s more recent.


      January 9, 2013 at 9:49 am

  16. wow that is an immense list Jessica. LOADS of films I loved and loads I have still not seen. Thanks for putting this one together.

    Also that pic of Kermit at the end is brilliant./

    • Thanks for your kind words Scott! I stumbled upon the Kermit image as I was looking for a Muppet illustration and realized it would be a perfect way to end the post! We’re no putting 2012 behind us. Onwards!


      January 9, 2013 at 10:34 am

  17. Seen 18/40 and I’ll work on seeing some more next year 🙂

    Checking my ratings, Tomboy would be my number one movie of the year as it’s the only movie I gave a 10/10. Followed by, in random order, into the abyss, terri, pariah, moonrise kingdom, prometheus, end of watch, cabin in the woods, drive, hugo, best exotic marigold hotel, x-men first class, the dictator, liberal arts, shame, the descendants, we need to talk about kevin, carnage, hannah, bullshead, monsieur lazhar, martha marcy may marlene, young adult, the dark knight rises, bill cunningham and margin call which all got a 9/10. Unsurprisingly, our lists overlap quite a bit.

    Yes, it’s been a very good year for movies and still got quite a few movies from last year to see. Oh, and a new Tarantino soon, yummie.


    January 10, 2013 at 12:31 am

    • There’s a lot of overlap there indeed! 🙂 I’m really glad to hear about your love for Tomboy. It’s a movie that deserves a lot more attention. There have been very few reviews of it in the blogosphere.

      Re Tarantino: I must admit that the trailer doesn’t make me particularly interested in watching it. Western comedies is not my favorite genre so to say. But I’ll probably see it anyway, just to keep up with the discussion.


      January 10, 2013 at 8:06 am

      • It’s Tarantino, he directed some of my all time favourite movies. If he made a dance movie I’d still see it.


        January 10, 2013 at 7:14 pm

  18. This is the most comprehensive, well thoughtout list I have read. I was hoping to see Life of Pi but I just cannot fit it into my schedule. However, since I read your review of it I am beyond eager. If its still in the movie theaters this weekend I will try to fit it in. As for your best of list… excellent, and I shall search for those you have mentioned that I have yet to see.

    Vicki Love

    January 10, 2013 at 2:04 am

    • Awww, thanks Vicki! You and I tend to agree a lot. I’m glad if I can inspire you to see Life of Pi. I definitely think it’s worth it.


      January 10, 2013 at 8:07 am

  19. That is some list Jessica. I would concur that this was a strong year for films. I recently had the pleasure of re-watching Moonrise Kingdom on Blu-ray and it is still awesome. I did however find the bonus features severely lacking.


    January 10, 2013 at 4:39 am

    • I would love to revisit Moonrise Kingdom; I’m positive I will. It’s always sad when the extras are lacking – in the end that’s a big reason why you’d spend the extra money.


      January 10, 2013 at 8:08 am

      • Thankfully, my unmarried childless brother bought the blu-ray 😉


        January 10, 2013 at 9:14 pm

  20. You’ve got a lot of my top films from 2011 on there and about half my top-10 from 2012 on your international 2012 list. Perhaps exciting in terms of potential, the other half you haven’t seen yet. Greatness awaits you.


    January 11, 2013 at 3:51 am

    • I know! The first few months of the year is a good season for movies here since we finally get to catch up with the end-of-the-year releases from overseas.


      January 11, 2013 at 7:45 am

  21. Awesome post. I’ll do my list at the end of the “movie year” aka just before the Oscars, in order to buy myself a little more time to see 2012 films that haven’t been released.


    January 13, 2013 at 2:21 am

    • Thanks Fernando! We all need to find a method for how we make it. Some of the movies I’m waiting for from 2012 won’t open until much later this spring, so I decided to draw the line here. But I can see why you wait for a few more to come up before you make the list.


      January 13, 2013 at 12:01 pm

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  23. […] The Velvet Café’s top list of 2012 […]

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